1:1 Speech Therapy

May is Better Hearing and Speech Month

May 08, 2023

Better Hearing and Speech Month (BHSM)

May is recognized as Better Hearing and Speech Month (BHSM), which is a time to raise awareness about communication disorders and promote access to treatment and support services. BHSM has been observed since 1927, and the theme for each year’s celebration varies to highlight different aspects of communication disorders.

The main goal of BHSM is to increase public awareness about communication disorders and to encourage people to take action if they or someone they know may be experiencing hearing or speech problems. BHSM provides an opportunity to educate the public about the importance of early intervention, as early detection and treatment can improve outcomes for people with communication disorders.

Overall, BHSM serves as an important reminder of the critical role that communication plays in our daily lives and the importance of supporting and advocating for those who may be struggling with hearing or speech difficulties.


Why I love being a Speech and Language Pathologist (SLP):

1. I love helping people, I love research, and I love science … being an SLP is the perfect blend of all 3 of these! 🔬
2. I love the choices we have as SLPs… working with adults or children, in hospitals, in prisons, in schools, in private settings, online, with Autism or speech sounds or even Dyslexia you will find your passion 🏥
3. I love being creative… you could give me a pen and paper and ask me to draw something (on a good day I could draw pictures that start with /S, L, SH, etc./ or you can give me a disgruntled teen, even a fidgety toddler who won’t sit at a table and watch how creative I can be in helping him reach his communication goals! 👨‍👧💪
4. I love exploring my own strengths (and weaknesses 😆) and through being an SLP I discovered that I can lead a team
5. I love learning… not one day has gone by in my SLP career where I have not learned something new
6. I love meeting inspirational people and through the children and families I’ve supported, the teachers and staff in the schools, I have met some of the most inspirational people in the world!
7. I now have the privilege of supporting teachers and staff to do all this 👆

I was 18 years old doing my first degree in Early Childhood Education and then on to Special Education/Varying Exceptionalities when I stumbled on this profession during my work experience as a special needs teacher. On day 1 of that week I walked out of the school and said to myself ‘that is exactly what I want to do with my life’ and I have never looked back.

I’ve lived it, breathed it and I continue to absolutely LOVE it!!

Join me LIVE on my social media platforms (FaceBook & InstaGram) @7PM Tuesdays & Thursdays throughout the month of May as we discuss a variety of topics:

  • Augmentative Alternative Communication
  • Literacy & Phonology
  • Voice & Swallowing Disorders
  • Fluency/Stuttering
  • Language Disorders
  • Articulation & Apraxia
  • Hearing Loss
  • Aphasia
  • Executive Functioning & Social Skills




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